At this point the enclosures have not been stained. It is easy to see the excessive bracing which goes into these speakers. A large amount of internal dampening is used and the cabinets are held together with stainless steel screws, doweling and glue. Large clamps were used when two panels were attached to ensure a rigid and tight fit of all panels. These speakers will be stained a dark teak.
Sound stage is pin-point. Stage depth is is very evident. Bass weight can be tuned by placing the speakers closure or further from the wall. Placement is critical.
1 comment:
Very good work you did!
Hello! I am writing from Argentina. My name is Matias and I'm building the Fostex recommended enclosure for a FE206E.
As I'm finishing the construction and I'll start with the sound check he wanted to consult you if you used a dampening material and what were the experiences you had.
I leave you the link of my project to see it.
Thank you very much my friend.
Matias OrdoƱez
Please copy the answer to my mail:
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